Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Paolo Sing Gershwin

The songs of Ira Gershwin are a perfect fit for Paolo, a jazz vocalist performing regularly in Sedona, AZ.  Gershwin melodies and lyrics are timeless, and relevant for modern vocalists.  Take a  song like "A Foggy Day In London Town" for example to see that the "age of miracles"  may have passed but love lingers for ever.  Or how about "S'Wonerful", with the age old reverence to romance?  Of course "Summertime" rolls around every year and baby's still cry.

You can catch Paolo in Sedona at the Sedona Rouge Lounge in Reds Restaurant every Thursday evening from 6-9 pm bringing back Gershwin along with Cole Porter and so many of the great song writers of the early and mid 20th Century.

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